Today, we're going to learn how to use the stitch-in-ditch foot. This foot has saved me time but it has saved me even more frustration. This foot is used for stitching directly on a seam. When done properly, the stitching won't even be visible.

Here you can see that this foot has a metal guide in the center. Something to note about this foot is the shape of the needle opening. There is no room side to side so be sure you are only using a straight stitch; otherwise, you will break your needle and possibly even crack the foot.

To start, you will need to have already stitched your seam and pressed the seam allowance. Place your fabric under the foot so that the metal guide is right in the seam.

If you notice your stitching moving off the seam, you can gently pull the fabric on either side of the seam to help the foot remain in the valley of the seam.

Here 's what the seam looks like after! You can barely see any of the black thread that I used, and if I had matched it to the fabric it would be invisible.