Have one of these guys on your sewing machine? This little guy has a tiny hook that passes through our needle eye and pulls our thread through for us!

Here's a closeup of that threading hook going through the eye of the needle.

To start off we're going to thread the top of the machine and make sure to thread the hook above the needle as well.

Turn the handwheel until the needle is the highest position possible. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER! If you skip this step, you could accidentally bend the needle threader and make it unusable.

Next, push the needle threader down until it is butted against your needle. If it's in the correct position, the hook will have passed through the eye of the needle.

The key to using a needle threader is to create a figure 8 with your thread. To do this, loop your thread under and over the left hook.

 Bring your thread to the front of your needle and into the mouth to the right of the needle. Scoop your thread from the bottom of the mouth upward. If you are having trouble with your thread slipping, lower your presser foot to keep your thread taut. To check if your thread has been hooked, pull the thread towards you. It should stay caught on the needle.

Now, slowly release your hold on the needle threader while simultaneously giving your thread enough slack so you don't accidentally unthread the needle.

If done correctly, you'll have a small loop in the back of your needle which you can finish pulling through the eye.