These last couple months have been crazy! So, for this month I only have one book. I was actually sent this book for free from Goodreads! Based on your interests and the lists you create when you sign up for the site, Goodreads will send you giveaways for FREE books! I'm so happy I was lucky enough to win a giveaway. It's been a bit since I've picked up a book that wasn't digital, but if you're thinking of picking this book up it's free on Amazon right now!

The setting for this book was a bit typical as was the relationship between main character and love interest.  I think YA authors need to be more careful as to how they are representing love and relationships to their young audience. I don't think it's cute how the romantic relationship initially formed in this book at all. I wouldn't want teens to think that an overbearing partner that doesn't respect your choices or space is what a healthy relationship looks like. That being said other than the way their relationship first formed (it did begin to level out), I did enjoy this book and will probably read the next one in the series.

So, my question to you is, What's your favorite genre to read?